【UK 英國生活】我愛國家美術館 I love The national gallery


來到倫敦,無論生活定係旅遊,我覺得其中一件幸福事係呢度有好多大型博物館 / 畫廊,仲要好多入場都係免費,每一間都可以逛好耐,慢慢睇。 例如非睇不可嘅 The National Gallery (國家美術館),入面收藏咗大量歐洲名畫,好多都喺藝術書上見過,隨時可以好近距離欣賞大師嘅筆觸。 包括家喻戶曉嘅文藝復興三大巨匠Michelangelo、達文西同拉斐爾,亦有印象派宗師莫內,仲有印象主義嘅塞尚、梵谷同高更,立體派畢加索等等。此外,你哋或許曾經喺書中見過嘅秀拉點描畫、范艾克嘅「阿爾諾非尼夫婦」等等,要數更加數唔完!全館有2層,每層都有好多間展房,小心睇到審美疲勞呀!

睇完畫展,再睇書惡補知識,第二次入場睇嘅我,原來錯過咗好多「正嘢」,下次再去「尋寶」先! 如果你有興趣睇名畫,官方網站已經放咗超過 2,600 幅名畫上網任君睇: https://www.nationalgallery.org.uk/paintings/search-the-collection



國家美術館 (The National Gallery)

地址: Trafalgar Square, London WC2N 5DN (免費入場)

I love The National Gallery When I was in Hong Kong, I like visit museums to see the culture and art of the past. Whenever there was a limited-time exhibition of master paintings in the museum, I would take time to see it because it was really rare. One of the best things about London is that there are many large museums/galleries, and most of them are free to enter, so you can take your time to see them all.

For example, The National Gallery, which is a must-see, has a large collection of famous European paintings, many of which have been seen in art books, so you can get close to the master’s brushwork at any time. The collection includes the three famous Renaissance artists Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci and Raphael, as well as Monet, the master of Impressionism, Cézanne, Van Gogh and Gauguin, and Picasso, the Cubist, among others. In addition, you may have seen in books such as the drawings of Seurat, the “Arnolfini Couple” by Van Eyck, and many more!

The museum has 2 floors, each with many rooms, so be careful not to get tired of looking at them! After seeing the paintings, I went back to the books to refresh my knowledge. I missed a lot of the “real thing” the second time I went in. If you are interested in seeing famous paintings, over 2,600 of them are already available on the official website:

